How to release a single in 2023. Release music successfully

How to release a single in 2023. Release music successfully

Last Updated on July 23, 2023 by Josh McKenzie

Releasing a single should be a big thing for every musician, especially in 2023.

Fans love to listen to a singles from upcoming albums or EP’s.

In this article we’ll show you exactly how to release a single in 2023 and make it a successful release too!

We’ll talk you through:

  • when is the best time to release a single in 2023
  • what should you do before you release your single
  • how to promote your single release

and many more helpful tips.

What is a music single

How to release a single in 2023

Fitrst let’s figure out what a single is.

A music single is a song that is released as a standalone recording. It is usually the first track to be released from an album and is generally intended to promote the album.

Singles are typically available for download or streaming services and often contain additional tracks such as bonus tracks or remixes.

Music singles can also be released independently of any other recordings, or as promotional material for an artist’s upcoming release.

They are sometimes accompanied by music videos which further promote the single.

So this is pretty much a definition of a single. 

Now, the most important aspect of a single release is the possibility of testing the waters with your new material before you go ahead and release an album. 

Why to release a single in 2023?

Singles are highly effective for new musicians as well as more experienced ones.

Not only can releasing a single will promote your work, but it can also generate income.

Releasing a single is often more cost-effective than producing a full album, which makes it more accessible to smaller artists who may not have the budget required for an entire album.

Your best bet would be to release it via online streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal etc.

How often should I release a single?


Releasing singles regularly is a crucial way to build and maintain your fanbase, so it’s essential to have a strategy for when and how often you should release singles.

Depending on the size of your fanbase and how active they are, you might want to consider releasing music every few months or even more frequently if you have enough content.

If you don’t have a large fanbase yet, it may be better to release singles regularly until your following grows.

You can also use the time between releases to create promotional materials like music videos, interviews, and other content to help get the word out.

Having a plan for when and how often you should release singles can significantly improve your profile and make your life as an artist a bit easier. 

Choose the right release date for your single

When choosing the right release date for your single, it’s important to consider a few key factors.

1) Consider what type of music you are releasing and your target audience.

If you’re releasing a pop song, for example, then it’s best to release during the summer months when people are more likely to be listening to upbeat music.

2) Take into account any existing holidays or special events which could increase the potential for a successful launch – such as releasing on Valentines Day if your single is about love.

3) Think about when other artists are releasing their singles – this will help you stand out from the crowd and give yourself the best chance of getting noticed.

Try to put a little thought into this process. It might look simple but many factors can affect your strategy for releasing.

How do you announce a single release?


Announcing a single release can be a great way to generate excitement for an upcoming Ep or album. 

It’s important to create hype and build anticipation for the release of a single, so it’s essential to craft an impactful message to make sure people will check out your song.

You should start by creating a press release that explains the track in detail and outlines any special guests who have helped you to make music.

You should reach out to influencers, industry contacts, and media outlets such as magazines, blogs, radio stations, and podcasts to spread the word about your single.

Consider hosting exclusive listening parties or releasing music videos via streaming services like YouTube or Vimeo.

Live streaming always gets high visibility on social media as it seems social media companies favour live content. 

These are just a few steps. Keep reading the article to pick up more!

Test drive your song!

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What to Do Before You Release a Single

The time before your release is almost as important as when you actually release your single or commit to your release schedule.

Set up pre-orders:

Many online music stores allow you to set up pre-orders for your single. This can be a great way to generate buzz and get your first orders in. 

If you only use streaming services, this might be an excellent opportunity to get on playlists. 

Utilize email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your music. Consider building an email list and sending regular updates about your music to your subscribers.

Use paid advertising

Paid advertising can be a great way to get your single in front of a targeted audience. Consider using platforms like Facebook Ads or Google AdWords to promote your single to people who are likely to be interested in it.

How long should you promote a single before release

How to release a single in 2023 2

Generally, promoting a single at least one or two months before its release is best to create enough interest and hype.

This will give you time to build up excitement among your fanbase, as well as allow media outlets and bloggers to pick up on the track and share it with their readers.

This promotion window also allows for radio plays and music video premieres, which can help get the single out there even further.

Of course, if you have a fan base that is eagerly awaiting a new single from you, then you can get away with less promotion time – but whatever the situation, make sure that all promotional efforts are finished around two weeks before the actual release date, so people have time to think about buying or streaming your track.

Contacting radio stations and blogs to promote the single


When it comes to contacting radio stations and blogs, there are a few key steps you should take.

  1. Research the station or blog’s requirements for submitting music. Make sure your music is formatted correctly and that it meets their criteria.
  2. Write an email that explains who you are and why they should consider your music. Be sure to include links to streaming services where they can listen. 
  3. Follow up with the station or blog if you don’t hear back from them within a reasonable time – persistence pays off! 

Releasing a music video for the single


Videos are important because it gives the song a visual representation, allowing fans to connect with the artist and their art in a different way.

Music videos also give songs an extra boost of publicity, as they are often shared on social media platforms and can reach even more people than just radio airplay.

A good music video can give the artist an edge over their competition by making them seem more professional and popular.

It also allows them to showcase their creativity and originality in a way that lyrics alone cannot do.

Plus, a well-made music video can generate revenue from YouTube views, helping to cover recording and promoting costs.

Partner with influencers


Influencers, celebrities, however, you want to call them, it would be really handy to get them involved in your release strategy. 

Start by finding influencers with an audience that would be interested in your music and establish a relationship with them.

Reach out through social media, email, or other communication platforms and offer something of value like exclusive content or access to your music.

Once you’ve established a connection, discuss ways to collaborate for mutual benefit such as hosting live streaming concerts, promoting each other’s music on social media, and providing discounts for their followers.

Creating partnerships with influencers can be a great way to get your music heard by more people, so make sure you take the time to find the right one for you.


Engage with fans online and let then know about your single release


Stay in touch! 

Post regularly on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram while responding to comments and messages whenever possible.

Show genuine interest in your followers by asking them questions and providing helpful advice.

Use relevant hashtags so more people can find your content, and don’t forget to offer exclusive offers or discounts to reward loyal followers for their support.

Make sure your press kit (EPK) is up to date

Since you’ll be releasing new music, many new fans will look you up.

Its crucial to have your electronic press kit up to date.

For info on how to do it, follow our article on how to make a bad ass EPK.

Can I release a single on Spotify?

How to release a single in 2023 8

If you want to release a single on Spotify all you need is a distribution service to get your music onto all the major streaming platforms, including Spotify.

These services usually offer a variety of plans, so you can choose one that fits your budget and release strategy.

Once you’ve uploaded your music to the distribution service and it’s been accepted, it will be available on Spotify and other streaming platforms like Apple Music and TIDAL.

Hope you release as many singles as you can this year! 

Cheers, Josh

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