How to promote your music on Instagram in 2023 to get more followers

How to promote your music on Instagram in 2023 to get more followers

Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Josh McKenzie

Instagram is one of the biggest platforms for artists to promote their music. It’s a place where you can share your new music, videos and photos with your followers.

There are many ways to promote your music on Instagram in 2023. Here are some of the best methods you can use to gain more followers and fans on Instagram in 2023.

Your Instagram profile

Creating a professional and visually appealing Instagram profile is one of the most important ways to promote your music. Your Instagram profile is the first thing people see when they visit your page, so it needs to be neat and tidy.


Make sure that you have a good profile photo that represents you as an artist, musician or brand. Make sure that it’s clear what genre of music you play if any, and what instrument(s) you play (if any). You can also include links to your website and other social media accounts, such as Twitter and Facebook.


It’s also important to add as much information about yourself in your bio as possible — both in terms of who you are and what you do. This helps people get to know who you are as an artist better, which ultimately leads to more followers!

Create a hashtag for your music or name

 If you have a band name or solo artist name, make sure that it has its own hashtag on Instagram so that people can easily find it when they search for it.


Use hashtags that relate to the kind of content that you post and make sure that they are relevant to what your followers want to see from you. The more specific the hashtag, the better chance that someone will find you through it!

Post about your music to get more followers

You can post about yourself and your music on Instagram by simply posting pictures of yourself playing an instrument or singing in a band. These posts don’t have to be professional-quality photos or videos; they just need to show that you’re an artist who loves music.


If you have an album out or are planning on releasing one soon, use this opportunity to promote it on Instagram by sharing photos from the recording process or announcing that the album will be available soon.

Use contests and giveaways to promote your music on Instagram.

One of the best ways to promote your music on Instagram is by hosting contests and giveaways. You can run a contest across multiple social media platforms, or you can do it all on Instagram. You can even do both!


How to Run an Instagram Contest

The first step in running an Instagram contest is coming up with a prize that’s worth winning. Make sure your prize is affordable, but also valuable enough to make people want to enter the contest. A great way to do this is through giveaways like Amazon gift cards and free products from brands you partner with for your giveaway.


Once you’ve picked out a prize, give people an easy way to enter by asking them questions and giving them answers that will help them win the prize. For example, if you want people to enter by answering a question about your band (such as “What was our first album title?”), ask it in a post that includes instructions on how to enter (e.g., tag @yournand in your response). Then, follow up with other posts that include different questions that could help people win (e.g., “What kind of music gets you pumped up?”).

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Post pictures of your performances to promote your music on Instagram

When promoting your music, you want to get as many eyes on it as possible. One of the best ways to do that is by posting pictures on Instagram.


Instagram has become an essential tool for musicians to promote their content, from photos and videos to live performances. It’s a great way to connect with fans, but also an excellent way to show off your skills without having to write long captions or create lengthy descriptions.

How to promote your music on instagram 2023


Posting photos and videos on Instagram can give fans a glimpse into what life is like as a musician. It’s also an opportunity for artists to share their latest releases or upcoming shows with their followers in real-time.


1) Make sure each image tells a story


2) Use hashtags correctly


3) Use the right filters

Post pictures of people listening to your music

One of the things that have always worked well for getting more followers on Instagram is posting pictures of people listening to your music. 

This can be your fans or even people you don’t know. It just needs to be someone who is listening to your music. If people see other people enjoying your music, then they might want to check it out for themselves and follow you on Instagram as well.

This is because people love seeing themselves in photos, and they also love seeing other people enjoying the same thing as them. 

So if you have a brand new album or single out, this is a great way to get more people interested in it.

You could do this by posting a picture of you playing live, surrounded by fans singing along to your song. Or maybe you could post a picture of you playing an acoustic set at a local bar or café. 

Just make sure that you’re looking happy, and smiling at whoever’s taking the picture!

Use Instagram stories to promote your music on Instagram in 2023

Instagram stories are a great way to promote your music on Instagram. Stories can be used to share behind-the-scenes content, teasers, and other exclusive content. They’re also a great way to connect with fans and answer questions.

Here’s how you can use Instagram stories to promote your music:

Share behind-the-scenes content. Use stories to share behind-the-scenes photos and videos from concerts, studio sessions, rehearsals or any other events. 

You can even include a link in the description that leads followers to your profile where they can listen to your latest song release.

Tease upcoming releases. Use stories to show snippets of unreleased music or videos before they’re officially released to build hype around new songs or albums. 

It’s also a good idea to share links in the description that lead followers directly to your website where they can buy the album or track when it’s available on iTunes or wherever else you sell digital downloads from.

Answer fan questions. Ask fans questions about their favourite songs, what they want to hear next from you and more! 

This is another great way for them to get involved with what you do as an artist and connect with others interested in hearing what you have to say. 

You can also ask fans questions about their own music, which is a great way to share what inspires you and how others can use that inspiration in their own work. your answers. 

You can also ask for feedback on your music or videos, and fans will often leave comments with their thoughts. This creates a conversation you can use to get feedback on what you’re doing right and what needs improvement.

ow to promote your music on instagram

Use paid promotions to gain more followers on Instagram in 2023

Paid promotions are just like they sound: you pay a company to promote your content to their existing audience. It’s an easy way to get exposure and grow your following, but it isn’t always cheap.

If you’ve got the money, it can be a great way to boost your presence on Instagram. But there are also some downsides; for example, if you don’t have a big budget or don’t want to spend money on promoting your account, then it might not be worth it for you. 

There are a few different ways to run paid promotions on Instagram. 

You can pay for an ad, which is a paid post that shows up in people’s feeds and can also get more likes and comments than a regular post. 

You can also pay for an influencer to promote one of your posts, which means they’ll share it with their audience on their own feed and stories. If you want to do this yourself, make sure you know the rules first; otherwise, you could lose your account! 

If you choose to go with a paid promotion, you’ll want to make sure that it’s worth your money. There are lots of companies offering this service, and many of them aren’t reliable; they might not deliver the audience you think they will or the engagement that their followers will leave on your content. 

With a paid promotion, you can target your audience based on things like age and location. You can also choose when the promotion starts and ends. 

This is a huge advantage over free promotions, which are often only available at certain times of day or week. 

Paid promotions can also be a bit risky if you’re not familiar with how they work. Not all companies are created equal, and some will charge you for followers who then don’t interact with your account. That’s why it’s important to do your research before choosing an influencer marketing company or an Instagram bot.

How to promote your music on instagram 2023

Do live videos and promote your music.

One of the best ways to use Instagram to promote your music is through live videos. 

Live videos are a great way to interact with your fans and show them what you are doing at any given time. When you post a live video on Instagram, you can see how many people have viewed it and even interact with those who are watching it by answering questions or commenting on the posts.

Live videos also have a longer shelf life than other types of media. 

If you can manage to do a live stream that goes viral or gets lots of likes and comments, then your video will continue to be viewed long after it was first posted.

Collaborate with others to reach more followers

You might wonder how to collaborate with other artists and influencers to promote my music on Instagram.

The answer is simple: You need a strategy.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your collaborations, whether they’re with fellow musicians or anyone else who’s willing to help you out.

  1. Make sure it’s worth their while

Collaborations aren’t always easy, but they can be very rewarding if you’re both on the same page about what’s in it for each other. So make sure that you have a clear understanding of what each party gets out of the deal. If one person doesn’t get anything out of it, then there’s no reason for them to participate and help promote your music on Instagram account!

  1. Set clear expectations for what you’ll do for each other

When collaborating with someone else, there needs to be mutual respect and trust between the two parties involved. And that means making sure everyone knows exactly what they’re getting into before they start working together — so make sure that everyone has clear expectations about what they’ll do for each other (and vice versa). This helps eliminate confusion later down the road when things are going well, and also helps prevent misunderstandings if someone feels taken advantage of or left out. 

  1. Don’t impose your own expectations on the collaboration You might have an idea of what you want to happen when you collaborate with someone else, but try not to force them into doing things your way just because it’s what you would do! If they’re not feeling something that you’ve suggested, then let it go and move on—there will be other opportunities in which they’ll have more creative input.
  1. When collaborating with another artist, you should create a call to action in your Instagram posts and stories, encouraging your followers to check out the music of the artists you are collaborating with and tagging them in the post. This will increase their visibility as well as yours!

You should also create an Instagram story around the collaboration, using it to build excitement and share updates with your followers. When you post a snap of yourself in the studio or at a show, tag your collaborator and encourage your fans to do the same!


  1. Creating a song together  

If you find an artist whose music you really like, reach out and ask if they’d be interested in creating a cover song together. You can share it on your social media accounts and get both of your names out there and boost each other’s audiences.

Film a music video together. If you have a common interest in filming videos (or if one of you has the skills), why not make a music video together? This can be fun for both parties involved because it gives them an opportunity to gain new fans while also helping each other out by promoting their work.

How to promote your music on instagram 2023 d

Use Instagram Live and IGTV.

Host a live-stream event. If you have an IGTV account, you can use it to host a live-stream event and invite other artists to join in. Just make sure that all attendees have accounts that follow each other so they’ll be able to see each other’s posts in real-time.


Host a Q&A session. Hosting Q&A sessions can be a great way for people to learn more about your work and get your advice. You can create posts inviting followers to ask questions, then answer them in the comments section of your post or by replying directly to their messages if they send them directly through Instagram Direct or Messenger.


Ask questions yourself! You could also ask followers questions about their own art practice or ask them what they’d like to see more of on your feed.

As you can see, there are many ways to promote your music on Instagram in 2023. I really hope our list will help you get more fans and get your music out there too.


Cheers, Josh

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